Families of Faith Christian Academy International is a private school with its main campus located in Lakeland, Florida. As such, it has been issued a school code number by the Florida Department of Education. The school code number is 53-1375. The status of "private school" in Florida is listed on the Florida Private School Directory maintained by the FDOE Office of Independent Education & Parental Choice.
To verify the status of any school in Florida or to research schools in your area, follow the link below, then choose the county from the dropdown list (FOFCAI is in Polk County). You can search for all schools, or narrow the search by one or more of the scholarships available to students in Florida.
Florida Private School Directory
FOFCAI has a school testing code issued by the College Board for SAT and ACT testing. The code is 100-829
Accreditation is a type of quality assurance process under which services and operations of educational institutions or programs are evaluated and verified by an external body through a peer review process to determine if applicable and recognized standards are met. Only when those standards are met is the status of accreditation granted by the appropriate agency.
Determining the value or credibility of an accreditation agency can be confusing to most parents. In accreditation, one size does not fit all. Catholic schools in Florida have an agency that understands the uniqueness of their member schools. (Florida Catholic Conference) The same for Montessori schools, (American Montessori Society). For parents, one valuable guide as to the veracity of the accrediting agency listed by their school is the associations and membership of that agency. Have they submitted to and been recognized by other quality agencies as being credible?
Families of Fatih Christian Academy International is fully accredited by the FCCPSA and the NCPSA. Both organizations are well recognized as credible accreditating bodies.
FCCPSA - Florida Coalition of Christian Private Schools Accreditation
The FCCPSA supports the creation, growth, and diversity of high quality Christian educational K-12 institutions, specifically in the areas of Christian Commitment, Family Community, and Quality Education.
Link to the FCCPSA Accredited School List
The FCCPSA maintains an agency partnership with Cognia (Formally AdvancED) and serves as the lead agency for their member schools throughout the accreditation process. Cognia is the parent organization of three of the original six "Regional" accreditation agencies dating back to the 1800's in America.
SACS CASI - Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvements
NCA CASI - North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement
NWAC - Northwest Accreditation Commission
The FCCPSA is recognized by the State of Florida Department of Children and Families as an accreditation agent for Childcare Facilities, including after school programs and is a Gold Seal Accrediting agency.
The FCCPSA is one of the approved accrediting agencies by the FHSAA - Florida High School Athletic Association. A senior high school must be accredited by one of the approved accrediting agencies to become a member of FHSAA.
The FCCPSA is a Non-Accrediting member of of FAANS - Florida Association of Academic Nonpublic Schools. A major function of FAANS is monitoring local, state, and national legislation impacting nonpublic schools in Florida.

As a Member Accrediting Agency of the NCPSA, the Florida Coalition of Christian Private Schools Accreditation (FCCPSA) is also a part of The International Alliance for School Accreditation.
The Alliance is a coalition of regional, national, and international accrediting bodies and educational experts from around the world. The purpose of The Alliance is to bring forward the best in accreditation while giving these bodies and educators a unifying voice; helping to advance the standard and quality in education worldwide.
To learn more about The Alliance and its member organizations, follow this link:
The International Alliance for School Accreditation
NCPSA - National Council for Private School Accreditation
To improve the quality of private school education through the process of accreditation Link to the NCPSA accreditation listing

Families of Faith Christian Academy International is accredited by the NCPSA. The National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA) is dedicated to the accreditation process as a viable and responsible means of establishing a witness of school excellence. NCPSA is committed to accreditation based on the concept of voluntary peer recognition; that is, the principle that institutions sharing common purposes and distinctives are better able to assist one another in achieving the standards for academic excellence and responsiveness to their respective publics and the nation.
The National Council for Private School Accreditation seeks to promote and support independent and autonomous accrediting associations serving private early childhood, elementary, and secondary schools that are committed to quality educational programs.
To see the full list of Member Accrediting Institutions for the NCPSA, follow this link:
NCPSA Member Accrediting Agencies