Enrollment Process and Options
To downlad the current Enrollment Forms, go the the Forms Page here . . .
Is Families of Faith Christian Academy International the right school for your family?
If you have not reviewed the About Us Section, which includes our Vision/Mission Statement, Educational Philosophy and Statement of Faith, you should do that before proceeding. As we say at the beginning of our Statement of Faith, "There are many precious truths taught in the Bible over which Godly men have differed in understanding. Therefore, this is not a statement of all that is important to believe, but an affirmation of the fundamental truths the administrative and teaching staff believe and use as the basis for establishing and administrating policy decisions." We will not agree on everything, of course, and it is not our mission to insert our personal beliefs into your home. That said, if we are to work together in the education of your children, it is vital that we are in agreement on the World View basics, as they have an impact on the curriculum and courses that are approved in the FOFCAI system.
Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Amos 3:3
Next, determine which Program or Component best meets the needs of your family.
FOFCAI offers more than one enrollment option, so if you have not yet determined which Program best meets the needs of your students (and it can be differnet programs for children in the same family), then the Program Details page is the place to go next. The three primary Programs are:
Home-based is for families where the parents are the primary teacher, or have arranged Blended Components like Co-Op classes or Dual Enrollment options for the subjects they do not directly oversee.
Classroom Based is just what it sounds like, but can be full-time or part-time.
The Virtual Program is most often full-time, but, again, depending on the need it also can be part-time.
Then there are the Components like Dual Enrollment or Group Classes that can be added to a Program, which can be covered in more details as you work with the Guidance Office to develop the course plan for the school year.

Complete the Family and Student Enrollment Forms.
You will need only one Family Enrollment Form regardless of the number of students, and one Student Enrollment for each student you are enrolling. The forms are in a fillable pdf format, so on most computers you should be able to type in the required infromation. If you print out the forms and complete them by hand, please print if possible, so we can correctly transcribe the information.
The information requested on the form is essential for us to properly enroll your student, and document your student’s academic progress. For additional details on completing the forms and required documents needed, check out the Enrollment Paperwork page.

Submitting Enrollment Forms.
Many families schedule an appointment with the Guidance Office, so the academic planning can be completed when the Enrollment Forms are turned in. That is not a requirement at the time of enrollment, but parents should plan on an academic review as part of the curriculum and course selection process. Forms can be hand delivered to the office, mailed or emailed.
At FOFCAI, we strive to keep the yearly tuition low, which is due upon enrollment. However, we understand that many families need the tuition to be broken up into monthly payments. Go to Page Four of the Family Enrollment Form to set up a payment schedule, which can be automatic debits, or the office can send a monthly Paypal invoice on the date you select. Because the setting up of the gradebooks and reviewing transcripts is very time consuming in staff hours, the registration fee must be paid before the application can be processed.

Gradebook Setup
Once the student's enrollment paperwork and registration fee is processed, the students attendance and grade sheets forms will be customized and emailed to the parent. For this setup to be completed, the curriculum questionnaire and/ or class choices must be completed from Page Two of the Student Enrollment Form. Additionally, this step is often completed during the meeting with the Guidance Office.
Additional Resources
1) If you are new to Parent Directed Education, you may want to review the Curriculum Overview section as well. It provides insights into the curriculum types that are most often used by our families, including dividing each publisher into categories based on the approach they are designed for, including strengths and weaknesses.
2) Parents of high school students should also review the High School Home Page for core requirements of earning a High School Diploma. During the meeting(s) with the Guidance Office, questions specific to the goals of each student will be reviewed as we work together to develop a course plan for each student. However, at FOFCAI we are partnering with families, not taking over the decision making process. The mission of FOFCAI is to provide the widest range of educational opportunities and options for families and students, so they can successfully pursue their goals.
Meetings with the Guidance Office can be in person at the Lakeland, FL office, via phone or video conference, with additional follow up as needed (Sometimes that's a lot.) by phone and email, as well.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Families of Faith Christian Academy International admits students of all races, colors, national and ethnic origins to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded, or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate based on race, color, national, or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies or other school administered programs. FOFCAI does not discriminate based on race, color, age, gender at birth, physical handicap, national or ethnic origin, in the administration of personnel and hiring policies. Such discrimination would be contrary to our Statement of Faith, but most importantly to the very Word of God.