High School: Graduation Tracks
General Requirements and Notes
The normal timeline for high school graduation is four years, the details of which are detailed below. Some students are enrolled in high school for more than the traditional four years. For adult students who “drop back into high school”, the graduation requirements are based on the requirements the year they first started the ninth grade.
If you are interested in the Adult Education Program, Click here.
Graduation requirements change based on the option taken (Standard track, College Prep track, etc.) and when a student enters high school. For more specific information about individual courses like English I, or Algebra II, refer to the High School Course Catalogue .
*Core courses where the student scores a "D" or below are not accepted for credit toward standard high school diploma, as the required mastery has not been demenstrated. The exception to this policy is based on the student demonstrating mastery in that core subject area by earning a letter grade of “C” or higher in a sequential course.
The demonstrating mastery exception does not apply to the “College Preparatory” graduation track. For that designation, all core courses must have a grade of C or higher.
* In addition to the standard core course requirements, FOFCAI high school students are required to complete a minimum of two credits of Bibilical World View or Bible. Courses like Old Testament Survey orNew Testament Survey are common here, as is Understanding the Faith by Summit Ministires. For students who are only enrolled with FOFCAI for the senior year, the requirement is reduced to one credit.
See the Bright Futures section for additional requirements necessary to qualify for Bright Futures Scholarship, including completing what FOFCAI refers to as the "College Preparatory Track.”
High School Graduation Diploma Options and Notes
Students must successfully complete one of the following diploma options. Each diploma track has a subsection with complete details.
24-Credit Standard Diploma.
24-Credit College Prep or Scholar Designation Diploma
18-Credit Academically Challenging Curriculum to Enhance Learning or ACCEL Diploma.
24-Credit Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathway Diploma
Additional Notes of interest covered at the end of this page (After the diploma types):
Florida State University System admission Requirements are represented in the College Prep Diploma track.
Florida College System admission requireemnts are represented in the Standard Diploma track, but the College Prep track is recommended.
The Bright Futures Scholarship has its own page; for more information, Click here
Twenty-four Credit Standard Diploma (most common)

4 English: Each with substantial writing. Options include:
English I, II, III, IV, or English I, II, III, IV Honors or combination of the previous with the addition of AP English, or ENC1102- Freshman English I, and/or ENC1102-Freshman English II through dual enrollment that equal no less than four credits.
4 Mathematics: To include Algebra I and Geometry. (Required)
Additional math options include, but are not limited to: Algebra II, Math for College Readiness, MAC1105 - College Algebra, Liberal Arts Math I & II.
3 Natural Sciences: To include Biology; two must include laboratory.
The Biology and Physical Science credits earned while a student is enrolled in FOFCAI must be taught from a Biblical worldview perspective. Students who wish to pursue AP or Dual Enrollment science courses to meet the three credit requirement must have a proper World View foundation before secular science courses will be approved.
3 Social Studies / History: Required are:
1-World History,
1-U.S. History,
.5-U.S. Gov't,
.5-Economics with Financial Literacy.
All Social Studies credits earned at an FCCPSA accredited school must be taught from a Biblical worldview perspective. Note: World Geography is not required for graduation in Florida and DOES NOT meet the requirement for World History, as they are different credits.
1 Personal Fitness: To include an Integration of Health.
Health Opportunities through Physical Fitness or HOPE is the most often used course selection to meet the PE requirement.
1 Performing Fine Art: .5 may be a Practical Art.
Includes: Music, dance, voice, drawing, painting, drama, speech and many other course offerings.
2 World View or Bible: If the student enrolls in FOFCAI for their senior year, only one credit is required. This is a requirment that is specific to Families of Faith Christian Academy International. The two credits do count as part of the 24 total credit requirement.
0-6 Electives/Vocational or other core credits to equal 24 total credits. It is possible to graduate from high school with zero electives, if the student has taken courses from the other subject areas and earned the required twenty-four credits.
Testing Requirements for the Standard Diploma:
Using a nationally normed assessment, the student must score in the 40th percentile, or have a grade equivalent score of 10.1 or above in the three core academic areas. This includes Total Reading, Total English (Language) and Total Mathematics. If the ACT or SAT assessment is used, the student must meet or exceed each of the individual scores from each sub test.
SAT: Reading = 430 Mathematics = 430
ACT: English = 15 Reading = 17 Mathematics = 16
GPA Requirements for the Standard Diploma: 2.0 on a 4.0 Scale using all courses attempted.
No grades below 70% (C) in a core academic area can be counted for credit unless the student has demonstrated mastery in a subsequent course. (A student who earned a "D" in English II first semester, but a "C" in the second would not be required to repeat the first semester half credit. However, a student who earned a "D" in second semester of World History would have to repeat the semester as there is no "sequential" course after World History.)
Twenty-four Credit College Prep Diploma (or Scholar Designation)

4 English: Each with substantial writing. Options include:
English I, II, III, IV, or English I, II, III, IV Honors or combination of the previous with the addition of AP English, or ENC1102- Freshman English I, and/or ENC1102-Freshman English II through dual enrollment that equal no less than four credits.
4 Mathematics: To include Algebra I and Geometry. (Required)
Additional math options must be "College Prep" and include, but are not limited to: Algebra II, Math for College Readiness, MAC1105 - College Algebra.
3 Natural Sciences: To include Biology; two must include laboratory.
The third Science must be an "Equally Rigorous" course, typically Chemistry.
The Biology and Physical Science credits earned while a student enrolled in FOFCAI must be taught from a Biblical worldview perspective. Students who wish to pursue AP or Dual Enrollment science courses to meet the three credit requirement must have a proper World View foundation before secular science courses will be approved.
3 Social Studies / History: Required are:
1-World History,
1-U.S. History,
.5-U.S. Gov't,
.5-Economics with Financial Literacy.
All Social Studies credits earned at an FCCPSA accredited school must be taught from a Biblical worldview perspective. Note: World Geography is not required for graduation in Florida and DOES NOT meet the requirement for World History, as they are different credits.
1 Personal Fitness: To include an Integration of Health.
Health Opportunities through Physical Fitness or HOPE is the most often used course selection to meet the PE requirement.
1 Performing Fine Art: .5 may be a Practical Art.
Includes: Music, dance, voice, drawing, painting, drama, speech and many other course offerings.
2 World Language:
The two credits in World Language must be in the same language, i.e. Spanish I and Spanish II. A student who takes Latin I, and Spanish I would have two World Language credits, but not meet the requirement. NOTE: In Florida, American Sign Language is classified as a World Language and meets the standard for the College Prep Diploma and the Bright Futures Scholarship.
2 World View or Bible: If the student enrolls in FOFCAI for their senior year, only one credit is required. This is a requirement that is specific to Families of Faith Christian Academy International. The two credits do count as part of the 24 total credit requirement.
0-4 Electives/Vocational or other core credits to equal 24 total credits. It is possible to graduate from high school with zero electives, if the student has taken courses from the other subject areas and earned the required twenty-four credits.
NOTE: At least one Higher Level Elective Recommended: It is recommended (but not required) that the student complete at least one course through Dual Enrollment or an Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate or Advanced International Certificate of Education level.
Testing Requirements for the College Prep Diploma:
For the College Prep Diploma only the ACT, SAT or PERT assessments are used, the student must meet or exceed each of the individual scores from each sub test.
SAT: Reading = 460 Mathematics = 460
ACT: English = 18 Reading = 19 Mathematics = 19
PERT: Reading = 106 Mathematics 114 Writing 103
NOTE: PERT scores do not qualify the student for the Bright Futures FAS or FMS awards.
GPA Requirements for the College Prep Diploma: 3.0 on a 4.0 Scale using all courses attempted.
No grades below 70% (C) in a core academic area can be counted for credit under the College Prep Diploma track.
Eighteen Credit ACCEL Diploma (Must be completed in three years.)

4 English: Each with substantial writing. Options include:
English I, II, III, IV, or English I, II, III, IV Honors or combination of the previous with the addition of AP English, or ENC1102- Freshman English I, and/or ENC1102-Freshman English II through dual enrollment that equal no less than four credits.
4 Mathematics: To include Algebra I and Geometry. (Required)
Additional math options must be "College Prep" and include, but are not limited to: Algebra II, Math for College Readiness, MAC1105 - College Algebra.
3 Natural Sciences: To include Biology; two must include laboratory.
The third Science must be an "Equally Rigorous" course, typically Chemistry.
The Biology and Physical Science credits earned while a student enrolled in FOFCAI must be taught from a Biblical worldview perspective. Students who wish to pursue AP or Dual Enrollment science courses to meet the three credit requirement must have a proper World View foundation before secular science courses will be approved.
3 Social Studies / History: Required are:
1-World History,
1-U.S. History,
.5-U.S. Gov't,
.5-Economics with Financial Literacy.
All Social Studies credits earned at an FCCPSA accredited school must be taught from a Biblical worldview perspective. Note: World Geography is not required for graduation in Florida and DOES NOT meet the requirement for World History, as they are different credits.
0 Personal Fitness: (Not Required for the ACCEL Track) To include an Integration of Health.
Health Opportunities through Physical Fitness or HOPE is the most often used course selection to meet the PE requirement.
1 Performing Fine Art: .5 may be a Practical Art.
Includes: Music, dance, voice, drawing, painting, drama, speech and many other course offerings.
2 World Language:
The two credits in World Language must be in the same language, i.e., Spanish I and Spanish II. A student who takes Latin I, and Spanish I would have two World Language credits, but not meet the requirement. NOTE: In Florida, American Sign Language is classified as a World Language and meets the standard for the College Prep Diploma and the Bright Futures Scholarship.
2 World View or Bible: If the student enrolls in FOFCAI for their senior year, only one credit is required. This is a requirment that is specific to Families of Faith Christian Academy International. The two credits do count as part of the 24 total credit requirement.
0-1 Electives/Vocational or other core credits to equal 18 total credits. It is possible to graduate from high school with zero electives, if the student has taken courses from the other subject areas and earned the required eighteen credits.
NOTE: At least one Higher Level Elective Recommended: It is recommended (but not required) that the student complete at least one course through Dual Enrollment or an Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate or Advanced International Certificate of Education level.
Testing Requirements for the ACCEL Diploma:
For the ACCEL Diploma only the ACT, SAT or PERT assessments are used, the student must meet or exceed each of the individual scores from each sub test.
SAT: Reading = 460 Mathematics = 460
ACT: English = 18 Reading = 19 Mathematics = 19
PERT: Reading = 106 Mathematics 114 Writing 103
NOTE: PERT scores do not qualify the student for the Bright Futures FAS or FMS awards.
GPA Requirements for the ACCEL Diploma: 3.0 on a 4.0 Scale using all courses attempted.
No grades below 70% (C) in a core academic area can be counted for credit under the ACCEL Diploma track.
Twewnty-four Credit Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathway Diploma

4 English: Each with substantial writing. Options include:
English I, II, III, IV, or English I, II, III, IV Honors or combination of the previous with the addition of AP English, or ENC1102- Freshman English I, and/or ENC1102-Freshman English II through dual enrollment that equal no less than four credits.
4 Mathematics: To include Algebra I and Geometry. (Required)
Additional math options include, but are not limited to: Algebra II, Math for College Readiness, MAC1105 - College Algebra, Liberal Arts Math I & II.
3 Natural Sciences: To include Biology; two must include laboratory.
The Biology and Physical Science credits earned while a student enrolled in FOFCAI must be taught from a Biblical worldview perspective. Students who wish to pursue AP or Dual Enrollment science courses to meet the three credit requirement must have a proper World View foundation before secular science courses will be approved.
3 Social Studies / History: Required are:
1-World History,
1-U.S. History,
.5-U.S. Gov't,
.5-Economics with Financial Literacy.
All Social Studies credits earned at an FCCPSA accredited school must be taught from a Biblical worldview perspective. Note: World Geography is not required for graduation in Florida and DOES NOT meet the requirement for World History, as they are different credits.
0 Personal Fitness: (Not Required for the CTE Pathway) To include an integration of Health.
Health Opportunities through Physical Fitness or HOPE is the most often used course selection to meet the PE requirement.
0 Performing Fine Art: (Not Required for the CTE Pathway) .5 may be a Practical Art.
Includes: Music, dance, voice, drawing, painting, drama, speech and many other course offerings.
2 World View or Bible: If the student enrolls in FOFCAI for their senior year, only one credit is required. This is a requirment that is specific to Families of Faith Christian Academy International. The two credits do count as part of the 24 total credit requirement.
2 credits in CTE courses: Must result in program completion and industry certification.
2 credits in work-based learning programs: or two elecive credits that include financial literacy.
0-4 Electives/Vocational or other core credits to equal 24 total credits. It is possible to graduate from high school with zero electives, if the student has taken courses from the other subject areas and earned the required twenty-four credits.
Testing Requirements for the CET Diploma:
Using a nationally normed assessment, the student must score in the 40th percentile, or have a grade equivalent score of 9.1 or above in the three core academic areas. This includes Total Reading, Total English (Language) and Total Mathematics. If the ACT or SAT assessment is used, the student must meet or exceed each of the individual scores from each sub test.
SAT: Reading = 430 Mathematics = 430
ACT: English = 15 Reading = 17 Mathematics = 16
TABE: Level 9.0 or above in all three sections, English, Math and Reading
GPA Requirements for the CTE Diploma: 2.0 on a 4.0 Scale using all courses attempted.
No grades below 70% (C) in a core academic area can be counted for credit unless the student has demonstrated mastery in a subsequent course. (A student who earned a "D" in English II first semester, but a "C" in the second would not be required to repeat the first semester half credit. However, a student who earned a "D" in second semester of World History would have to repeat the semester as there is no "sequential" course after World History.)
Additional Topics
The Florida State University System (SUS)
Admission into Florida’s public universities is competitive. Prospective students should complete a rigorous course of study in high school and apply to more than one university to increase their chance for acceptance. To qualify to enter one of Florida’s public universities, a first-time-in-college student must meet the following minimum requirements (credit earned by industry certification does not count for SUS admission):
•High school graduation with a standard diploma, aminimum of a 2.5 GPA, and admission test scoresmeeting minimum college-ready test scores per theBoard of Governors (BOG) Regulation 6.008
•16 credits of approved college preparatory academiccourses per BOG Regulation 6.002
•4 English (3 with substantial writing)
•4 Mathematics (Algebra 1 level and above)
•3 Natural Science (2 with substantial lab)
•3 Social Science
•2 World Language (sequential, in the same languageor other equivalents)
•2 approved electives
Additional Topics
The Florida College System
The 28 colleges of the Florida College System serve nearly 800,000 students. Colleges offer affordable, stackable, workforce credentials including certificate programs, associate in science degrees and associate in arts degrees, which transfer to a bachelor’s degree program. Many colleges also offer workforce bachelor’s degree programs in areas of high demand. All Florida College System institutions have open-door admissions for students who earned a standard high school diploma or an equivalent diploma or successfully earned college credit.
Additional Topics
Career and Technical Colleges and Centers
Florida also offers students 49 accredited career and technical colleges or centers throughout the state, which provide the education and certification necessary to work in a particular career or technical field. Programs are flexible for students and provide industry-specific education and training for a wide variety of occupations.
Additional Topics
Financial Aid Information
The Florida Department of Education’s Office of Student Financial Assistance administers a variety of postsecondary educational state-funded grants and scholarships.