FOFCAI adheres to the conviction that parents are directly responsible for the education of their children, and have specific concerns for that of their grandchildren. (Deuteronomy 6:5-7) Our goal as an accredited private school is to partner with parents by providing a wide range of high quality educational Programs and Options that can be individualized to meet the specific needs of each student.
If you are new to "Homeschooling" or "Personalized Education" or just exploring options, check out the Quick Start Page; its a quick overview of terms and options.
Quick Start Page Click Here . .
Every student is different, and every family has different needs with regard to the education of their children, which is why FOFCAI offers multiple enrollment Programs as well as add- on Components that can be taken individually. For many, enrolling as a full-time student so they have full academic records and can earn an accredited High School Diploma is the best option. For others, the part-time or "Flex" student option completely meets the need. Regardless of where you are in the process, if you have quesions, please contact the school office on how we may be able to partner with your family on this journey.
In His Service,
Jim Lawson - Administrator
Governor DeSantis has signed House Bill #1 last year that provides additional options for home-based educators by expanding the Florida Tax Scholarship to include an educational savings account to be used by "Homeschooled" students.The Personalized Education Program (PEP). As of June 1st 2024 about two-thirds of the 60,000 scholarship available have been applied for.
There are multiple scholarships and each one was created to serve the needs of a specific group of students. Go to the Scholarship page for a breakdown of each type, and how FOFCAI serves those students if applicable.
Education does not always take place at a school’s physical location with a stranger as the teacher. For most of America's history, parents directed their children's education. It worked for our Founding Fathers, and now it is the first choice of many families. FOFCAI partners with those parents to provide a real world education, with the full administrative services and counseling of an accredited private school including, progress reports, and an accredited High School Diploma when the student completes the program, regardless of where home is.
Annual Enrollment in the Home-Based Program $725 (Does not include Curriculum.)
Home-Based details click here . . .
Campus based instruction provides the traditional option that has become the norm in American schools. Both Full-Time and Part-Time Learning Center options for 6th through 12th grade students is available. Providing innovations and the appropriate use of techonology in the classroom, allows a greater focus on the individual needs of students. The Guided Study program provides a wide range of options for students including, attening the live Blended classes, a wide range of electives and Guided Study Teacher support.
Campus details click here . . .
Adding our virtual curriculum to the Home-Based Program, offers increased flexibility while maintaining the same quality standards as a traditional classroom. It would be rare to find a college where "virtual" classes were not a normal part of the degree seeking process. FOFCAI offers a Christian School alternative to the Public School Florida Virtual School.
Annual Enrollment in the Home-Based Program with Virtual Curriculum is just $1075
Guided Study for Personalized Instruction can be added.
Jump to the Virtual School Options page
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Combining the best practices of more than one program is the Blended Option. Blended programs bring together the best practices of Home-Based instruction, Physical Classroom instruction, into one, integrated program. Classes meet once or twice each week in a partnership between teacher and parents.
For additional details, go to Blended or Hybrid Options
Combining actual classroom videos and resources in a system that can be accessed by the student regardless of his or her schedule or location. On-Demand provides the quality of a classroom teacher on the learner's schedule.
Currently the Saxon Algebra 1/2, Algebra 1 and Algebra 2, third edition courses are available on Demand.
For additional details, Click Here . .
For students who do not finish high school or receive a standard diploma, the advances in Virtual and On-Demand course content provide the ability to complete the requirements of high school graduation with the flexible schedule that is needed.
For more information, Click here . .
The lack of proper reading instruction has become a national crisis. Taking students back to a proper phonetic program can correct the bad programing most students have received, even those labeled as dyslexic. If you or your student has trouble reading, then you are not alone. Most estimates are that more than sixty percent of students cannot read and comprehend at grade level!
For more information, Click here . .
The Family Empwerment Scholsarhip Program (FES-EO and FES-UA) (f.s. 1002.394), The Florida Tax Scholarship Program (FTC) (f.s.1002.396) Includes the new Personalized Education Program (PEP), The HOPE Scholarship Program f.s.1002.40.
For more information, Click here . .
From evaluation to curriculum choices to beginning the journey, and through the all important high school graduation track, the Guidance Office is your resource to developing a well-rounded educational plan for your student.
Contact the office for an appointment. Click here . .