Algebra is not difficult. Algebra is just different

John Saxon 1923 - 1996

Image of a teacher and student
Blended or Part-Time Classroom option that is based on the College Class Model where students attend one or two days a week in class, with the balance of their academic load completed via the Learning Management System.

FOFCAI is currently in the process of securing a suitable location for Blended classes for the 25-26 school term. The proposed schedule of classes will be adjusted depending on the size and/or number of classrooms available, and the feedback from families on the classes most needed or desired for our students.

FOFCAI Blended Classes are open to students enrolled in FOFCAI and County Registered Homeschoolers.

2025-2026 FOFCAI Class Offering and Schedule (Subject to change)

Middle School Schedule - Mondays and Thursdays

Image of schedule

2109020 M/J World History Advanced:
(From Adam to Us Parts one and two: Notgrass 2016. ISBN-13: 9781609990848 and ISBN-13: 9781609990855)
A course that combines a rich study of world history with Bible study, geography, literature, vocabulary, creative writing, and hands-on activities. This text combines the flexibility and richness of a literature-based unit study approach with the simplicity of a textbook-based approach. Note: Much of the literature and creative writing components from this text will be components of the M/J Language Arts 1-2 class.

2001310 SC Earth Science (High School credit course)
(Discovering Design with Earth Science: Berean Builders, ISBN: 978-0-9962784-3-0)
This laboratory-based earth science course can be used for either eighth or ninth grade. Most homeschooled students should be ready for it in eighth grade, but privately and publicly schooled students will be more comfortable with it in ninth grade. It covers the general properties of the earth’s geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. Students learn about all the sections of the geosphere (such as core, mantle, crust, etc.) and then they study each in more detail. When studying the earth’s crust, they learn about minerals, rocks, and the rock cycle. Plate tectonics is then covered, which leads to a discussion of seismic waves, earthquakes, and volcanoes. Students then learn about fossils and how both uniformitarians and catastrophists interpret those fossils as well as the sedimentary rocks in which they are found. A discussion that compares uniformitarianism and catastrophism follows, in which the strengths and weaknesses of each view are covered.

2002050 M/J Comprehensive Science Advanced
(Science in the Atomic Age: Berean Builders, ISBN: 978-0-9962784-0-9)
This laboratory-based, junior high science course covers a wide range of topics that are of interest to modern scientists. It starts by describing our current understanding of atoms, molecules, the chemicals that are necessary for life, DNA, and cells. These topics are all discussed in the context of history, explaining how specific scientific advances led to the scientific explanations that the students are being taught. This allows students to learn not only the current scientific understanding of these topics, but also how scientists reached that understanding.

2100020 M/J United States History Advanced:
(America the Beautiful Parts one and two (Second Edition 2020) Notgrass ISBN-13: 9781609991418 and ISBN-13: 9781609991425)
A chronologically journey through the history of the United States, highlighting key events, people, and places. This text combines the flexibility and richness of a literature-based unit study approach with the simplicity of a textbook-based approach. Note: Much of the literature and creative writing components from this text will be components of the M/J Language Arts Advanced class.

1205020 M/J Math 6 Advanced for 6th grade students or 1205040 M/J Math 7 for 7th grade students (Saxon Math 76 fourth edition) (Level 7th or advanced 6th grade level) Building upon the principles taught in Saxon Math 6/5, this Saxon 7/6 text introduces functions and coordinate graphing, integers, exponential expressions, and prime factorization. Students will specifically learn about the order of operations, number lines, decimal place value, how to find the percent of a number, how to round decimal numbers, attributes of geometric solids, and more.

1205010 M/J Math 6 (Saxon Math 6/5 fourth edition) (Standard Level 6th grade or advanced 5th grade level) Teaching math with a spiral approach, which emphasizes incremental development of new material and continuous review of previously taught concepts. Building upon the principles taught in Saxon Math 5/4, the Saxon 65 covers concepts such as: the order of operations; geometry and measurement; integers; divisibility concepts; ratios; statistics and probability; prime and composite numbers; patterns and sequences; and powers and roots. Students will specifically learn about making a multiplication table, adding/subtracting fractions with a common denominator, multiplying by multiples of 10 and 100, perimeter, simple probability, decimal parts of a meter, reciprocals, volume, square roots, graphing points on a coordinate plane, and more.

10010780 MJ Language Arts Advanced:
Details to follow.

MJ-Elective MJ-Old Testament Survey:
Preparing the World for Jesus: Generations with Vision publisher by Kevin Swanson ISBN-13: 9781733230469)
For the Christian, the Lord Jesus Christ must be the pivot point in the history of this world and in all things, preeminent. After studying history written from a secular perspective, the student is left with the conclusion that man is great, and that Jesus Christ is of no account. This false worldview is thoroughly demolished in this Christian history of the world.

1001010/1001040 M/J Language Arts 1-2:
Details to follow.

1205070 M/J Grade 8 Pre-Algebra
(Saxon Algebra ½ third edition) (Level 8th or advanced 7th grade level)
A full pre-algebra course and an introduction to geometry and discrete mathematics. Some topics covered include Prime and Composite numbers; fractions and decimals; order of operations, coordinates, exponents, square roots, ratios, algebraic phrases, probability, the Pythagorean Theorem and more. This course includes access to the Vineyard Education Group classroom lectures my Mr. Lawson on-demand at:

High School Schedule - Tuesdays and Fridays

Image of schedule

1001310/1001340-English I/II Combined (Day One)
Details to follow.

2100320 AH United States History Honors:
(Exploring America Volumes One and Two, Notgrass 2019, ISBN-13: 9781609999988 and ISBN-13: 9781609999995)
Progressing chronologically through the history of the United States, highlighting key events, people, and places in light of the principles in God’s word and how those principles have influenced this nation and equips students to better understand our country and his or her place in it.

2109310 World History Honors:
(Exploring World History Parts one and two: Notgrass 2014. ISBN-13: 9781609990619 and ISBN-13: 9781609990626)
Covering all periods of history--ancient, medieval, and modern, from the perspective of faith in God and respect for His Word. This course offers a thorough survey of Western civilization with significant coverage of Latin America, Africa, and Asia that is engages students by including richness of a literature-based approach to this valuable study.

1001370/1001400-English III/IV Combined (Day One)
Details to follow.

999999-WV Biblical Worldview
Worldviews in Conflict (Generations with Vision by Kevin Swanson ISBN-13: 9780996171915)
Every Christian student should understand the writings that formed the modern world and undermined the Christian foundations in the West. The Christian student should be well equipped to engage the battle of the worldviews before he or she enters adulthood. It is extremely dangerous when a Christian student is taught to accept the 'great thinkers and writers uncritically, whether it be Karl Marx, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, or Steven Spielberg. That is why this curriculum is so needed. The great thinkers and the liberal arts programs have led millions of Christian young people astray over the centuries.

1001310/1001340-English I/II Combined (Day One)
Details to follow.

1200330 MA Algebra 2
(Saxon Algebra 2 third edition) (High School level)
Traditional second-year algebra topics, as well as a full semester of informal geometry, are included with both real-world, abstract and interdisciplinary applications. 129 lessons cover topics such as geometric functions, angles, perimeters, and proportional segments; negative exponents; quadratic equations; metric conversions; logarithms; and advanced factoring.
This course includes access to the Vineyard Education Group classroom lectures my Mr. Lawson on-demand at:

2000310 BI Biology 1
(Discovering Design with Biology: Berean Builders ISBN: 979-8-9852529-4-1)
Discovering Design with Biology is a laboratory-based high school biology course is the first biology course a college-bound student should take. It gives the student an introduction to how living organisms are designed, how they interact with one another, and how they interact with their physical environment. Students are taught how biologists classify life, the chemical processes that make life possible, the structures of RNA and DNA, and the designs of the different cells found in living organisms. Students also learn the means by which photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and cellular reproduction occur. They then learn the current state of biotechnology. With the molecular and cellular basis of life covered, the students are then given a survey of the different kinds of organisms found in nature: archaea, bacteria, protists, fungi, invertebrates, vertebrates, and plants. The students then learn the biogeochemical cycles that keep environments hospitable to life, which leads to a discussion of ecosystems. Throughout the course, students see that life is the result of design and that organisms have been given the ability to adapt to their surroundings. In addition, they learn various problems associated with the modern evolutionary synthesis.

1001370/1001400-English III/IV Combined
Details to follow.

1200310 A1 Algebra 1
(Saxon Algebra 1 third edition) (High School level)
Students will develop the understanding they need to resolve more complex problems and functions with this step-by-step course. Covers topics including signed numbers, exponents, and roots; absolute value; equations and inequalities; scientific notation; unit conversions; polynomials; graphs; factoring; quadratic equations; direct and inverse variations; exponential growth; statistics; and probability.
This course includes access to the Vineyard Education Group classroom lectures my Mr. Lawson on-demand at:

2003340 SC Chemistry 1
(Discovering Design with Chemistry: Berean Builders ISBN: 978-0-9962784-6-1)
Discovering Design with Chemistry is a high school chemistry course designed for students who have completed Algebra 1. This independent-study, college-preparatory course covers fundamental aspects of chemistry such as the classification of matter, atomic structure, spectroscopy, chemical bonding, molecular geometry, physical change, chemical change, stoichiometry, solutions, ideal gases, acid/base chemistry, reduction/oxidation reactions, thermochemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics, and chemical equilibrium. Weaving together concepts and their mathematical applications, the course teaches students how to think as a chemist so they can analyze the major changes that occur in matter.

The course contains 46 separate experiments that illustrate various concepts being explored. Many are quantitative in nature, including measuring the wavelength of microwaves, determining the number of water molecules in a hydrated compound, calculating percent yield, measuring the concentration of a hydrogen peroxide solution, determining the concentration of acetic acid in vinegar, measuring the specific heat of a metal, and determining the change in enthalpy for a chemical reaction. Others are qualitative, such as performing flame tests, examining the interference of light waves, comparing metals to nonmetals, exploring Boyle’s Law, doing litmus tests, and electroplating.

Throughout the course, the student is shown how chemistry reveals the amazing design that exists all around us. From the details of atomic structure to the makeup of the very air that we breathe, chemistry shows us the marvelous handiwork of God.

Families of Faith Christian Academy International is a private school registered with the Florida Department of Education, and as such is listed on the Florida Department of Education "Florida Private Schools Directory".
From the Private School Directory page, you can search for private school by county. (FOFCAI is in Polk County)

Families of Faith Christian Academy International is fully accredited by the Florida Coalition of Christian Private Schools Accreditation. (FCCPSA)
The FCCPSA supports the creation, growth and diversity of high quality Christian educational institutions.

Families of Faith Christian Academy Interbational is accredited by the National Council for Private School Accreditation, which is dedicated to the accreditation process as a viable and responsible means of establishing a witness of school excellence.

NCPSA School Listing

For additional accreditation and membership information go to the Accreditation page.


  • Phone:
    (863) 686 7755
  • Email:
  • Guidance Office:
    4406 South Florida Ave.
      Suite 20
      Lakeland FL 33813
  • Correspondence:
    P.O. Box 5125
    Lakeland FL 33807