Classroom or Teacher-Directed Curriculum Publishers
The publishers we have classified as “classroom” fall into that category simply because the books they publish were written with a classroom setting in mind. They assumed all children would be in a classroom, age-segregated, and under a teacher who would not normally be their own parents. They have a textbook for the student and a teacher’s manual for the instructor. In most cases, you cannot get full use of the material without the teacher’s manual.
With the textbook approach, the parent must plan and set-up the lesson for the student because it is teacher-driven. Keep in mind they are in the business of selling books designed to keep 25 to 30 students busy. Your student does not necessarily need all of the busy or seat work
they have included. In other words, you may not need to buy everything they sell.
An advantage of classroom-based books is their wide use and acceptance. Most communities have Christian schools that use ABeka and/or Bob
Jones, the two most widely used Christian publishers. Students who may transfer into one of these schools
may choose to use the same text because no two publishers cover material the same way or in the same order.
The Christian books are readily available at used book sales and some bookstores. Many public school districts in
Florida give their used texts away, but they seldom have the teacher's manual, which is required to get full use of the curriculum.
The disadvantage of the classroom- based or Teacher- Directed approach is that
the studnt is completely dependent on the teacher. Since the book assumes the teacher is in the classroom, it
was planned for a teacher to explain the lesson and guide the student. So, Billy cannot do math until Mom or Dad explain
the material to him. That is why we call it “teacher-directed.”
Classroom or Teacher- Directed Publishers
Abeka: Published by Pensacola Christian College.
To see a more detailed review from FOFCAI, click here
To go directly to the Abeka website, click here
Bob Jones or BJU Press: Published by Bob Jones University.
To see a more detailed review from FOFCAI, click here . .
To go directly to the BJU Press website, click here
Christian Liberty Press (CLP):
The FOFCAI detailed review has not been published.
To go directly to the Christian Liberty Press (CLP) website, click here
Classical Academic Press: Classical Subjects Creatively Taught
The FOFCAI detailed review has not been published.
To go directly to the Classical Academic Press website, click here
Horizons: Published by Alpha Omega Publications
The FOFCAI detailed review has not been published.
To go directly to the Horizons website,click here
Purposeful Design: Published by the Association of Christian Schools International
The FOFCAI detailed review has not been published.
To go directly to the Purposeful Design website,click here
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: Non-Christian Curriculum - Publishes Saxon Math
FOFCAI does not review secular publishers. Saxon Math has a separate review.
Can be purchased at a discount from (and other bookstores as well). Click here
McGraw Hill: Non-Christian Curriculum - Publishes the Key to Math Series
FOFCAI does not review secular publishers. Key to Math will have a separate review.
Can be purchased at a discount from (and other bookstores as well).Click here
Pearson: Non-Christian Curriculum - Publishes Sing, Spell, Read & Write
FOFCAI does not review secular publishers. Sing, Spell, Read & Write will have a separate review.
Can be purchased at a discount from (and other bookstores as well). Click here
Saxon Math - Saxon Phonics: Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
The FOFCAI detailed review has not been published for Saxon Math & Phonics.
Can be purchased at a discount from (and other bookstores as well).Click here
Sonlight Christian Homeschool Curriculum: Literature based learning
The FOFCAI detailed review has not been published.
To go directly to the Sonlight website, Click here
Veritas Press: Classical Curriculum
The FOFCAI detailed review has not been published.
To go directly to the Veritas Press website,Click here