Student-Paced Curriculum Publishers
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Student-paced publishers differ from the classroom approach in that the books, or, as is often the case,
the booklets, are designed for the student to work through them more independently. The student reads the
material, answers the questions independently, then asks for help when he doesn’t understand
or cannot find the answer. Because the "teacher or supervisor" is checking his/her work daily (The student NEVER has access to the answer key.), it is known in real time where the student needs help if they do not ask for it. We call this “Student-paced with teacher assistance.”
That is not to say the student sets the schedule of how much material is covered today, just the amount of time needed in each subject.
This is followed by check-up quizzes and a review test to ensure mastery of the concepts. Then, at the end of each booklet (usually 3 weeks), a final
exam is given as well. Student-paced materials demand the least time from parents and
work very well with good readers and self-motivated students. No waiting for Mom to get out all of those
books and figure out what we are supposed to do today! With proper testing and placement, you can pickup
and master specific areas or gaps that your student may have.
An example would be an 8th grader who is fine in reading, i.e., science and history, but needs review on verbs. Simply add the 43 page booklet
from the 6th grade set that covered verbs in detail, rather than the entire 6th grade textbook. We have
found that even students who score low in reading can progress well in self-paced material because it allows
them time to read at their own pace if necessary. (The bell doesn’t have a set time to ring at home.)
And the material forces them to read or re-read for comprehension.
Student-Paced Publishers
ACE - Accelerated Christian Education Know as "Paces", and School of Tomorrow
The FOFCAI detailed review has not been published.
To go directly to the ACE Ministries website, click here
Aplha Omega Publications: Includes: Lifepac, Switched on Schoohouse, Monarch and Ignitia
The FOFCAI detailed review has not been published.
To go directly to the Alpha Omega website, click here
Christian Light Publications (CLP) A Mennonite Publisher
The FOFCAI detailed review has not been published.
To go directly to the CLP Press website, click here
Landmark Freedom Baptist Curriculum: A ministry of Landmark Baptist Church
The FOFCAI detailed review has not been published.
To go directly to the Landmark website, click here
Lifepac - See Alpha Omega
Switched-on-Schoolhouse - See Alpha Omega